The Miles Platting Community and Age-friendly Network have worked together to build a collective vision for Miles Platting, which brings together ideas for new projects and actions that will improve the neighbourhood for existing and new residents. 

  1. Creating a new community space: where the community can meet and socialise, and that brings together different groups in the area, e.g. the development of a new community centre space and public house/ social club. 
  2. Maintaining access to housing for social rent for future generations: protecting existing levels of social and affordable rental housing whilst making sure housing is age-friendly and family-friendly including opportunities to downsize and upsize.  
  3. Sustainable Green spaces: protecting and creating pleasant “high quality” green spaces which provide habitats for wildlife and a pleasant communal environment including along the Rochdale canal. 
  4.  Development of a cohesive and inclusive community: through the development of local initiatives and projects that people from a mixture of backgrounds can get involved in, and through the development of an age-friendly community, e.g. the planning and design of improvements along the canal and surrounding green spaces, and the development of age-friendly spaces and facilities. 
  5. Development of employment opportunities in the neighbourhood: through the development of spaces for local business, e.g. cafe spaces. 
  6. Development of a neighbourhood that encourages health and wellbeing: through walkability and healthy streets – redesigning streets to be more pedestrian-friendly with more green spaces and trees. 
  7. Improvements to connectivity across the neighbourhood: connecting to key destinations across the city, in particular, amendments to the bus routes that make key designations easier to access such as East Manchester Leisure Centre in Beswick following the closure of the local swimming pool. 
Screenshot of vision spread

Miles Platting: A Vision for our Neighbourhood